06 Oct

#CatalanWeek 2021 ANC International – «Fake news and disinformation against political dissent in the EU: the cases of Poland, Hungary and Spain»»

In the framework of the #CatalanWeek2021 and the Conferences on the Future of Europe, the International Committee of Assemblea is organizing a conference on fake news, with Raphael Tsavkko, PhD in human rights & independent international journalist based in Belgium; and Miquel Strubell, sociolinguist and political activist.

Fake news and disinformation against political dissent in the EU: the cases of Poland, Hungary and Spain»

Wednesday, 6th of October, 19h CEST

Sign in via https://futureu.europa.eu/processes/Democracy/f/5/meetings/54649

Assemblea International Youtube/Facebook Channels https://www.youtube.com/c/AssembleaInternational / https://www.facebook.com/catalanassembly


  • Hora
    7:00 pm
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    Assemblea International Youtube/Facebook Channels https://www.youtube.com/c/AssembleaInternational / https://www.facebook.com/catalanassembly