
Curb your snooping, Commission tells EU governments

Curb your snooping, Commission tells EU governments.

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Spain’s Supreme Court refuses amnesty for Carles Puigdemont

Long-standing arrest warrant for Catalan independence leader to remain in effect.

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Dolors Feliu über die Auswirkung der Wahlen auf die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung

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Media Freedom Rapid Response

Terrorism investigation into Catalan journalist raises concerns ahead of elections

Journalists and media freedom organisations express concern over the investigation for terrorism of Catalan journalist Jesús Rodríguez Sellés, now residing in Switzerland.

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European Parliament ex-president broke law by barring Catalan separatists, top court adviser says

Antonio Tajani refused to admit MEPs-elect Carles Puigdemont and Toni Comín for 8 months after the 2019 European election.

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Civic Forum

Joint letter: Solidarity for Activists in Catalonia Accused of Terrorism

We, the undersigned civil society organisations, express our urgent concerns regarding the restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly in Spain and call on the authorities to protect fundamental freedoms. …

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Puigdemont asks Brussels to look into Spanish judiciary’s impartiality

The Catalan separatist MEPs accuse Spain’s General Council of the Judiciary of violating ‘basic standards of the rule of law.’

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New Internationalist

Spies, damned spies

Bethany Rielly explores the chilling impact of the Spanish state’s intrusive surveillance tactics against Catalan civil society. Is there a chance of justice?

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Five member states must investigate spyware abuse, says PACE

Citing “mounting evidence” that spyware has been used for illegitimate purposes by several Council of Europe member states, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has urged five …

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The National

Scotland desperately needs its own National Assembly like Catalonia’s

IT’S six years since Catalonia held its referendum on self-determination. At the time, I, as chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Catalonia, and other parliamentary members – including Hywel Williams …

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