
Gonzalo Boye: “I will defend myself to the end”

President Puigdemont’s lawyer speaks of the revolt of the Spanish high judiciary and the fabricated trial against him that could lead to a life sentence for defending the leaders of …

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Catalan News

Pro-independence protesters march in Barcelona against non-implementation of amnesty law

Hundreds denounce judicial ‘coup’ as law mainly benefits police officers one month after coming into force.

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Catalan News

Pro-independence figures in Switzerland return to Catalonia after Tsunami Democràtic case shelved

Esquerra Republicana leader Marta Rovira granted amnesty by Supreme Court and National Court shelved terrorism charges

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Catalan News

Electoral Board does not certify elected Toni Comín as Junts MEP

Authority states candidate must swear Constitutional oath in Madrid despite CJEU rulings

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El Nacional

‘No’ to an amnesty: Judge Llarena maintains arrest warrant for Puigdemont over misuse of funds

Spanish Supreme Court judge argues that amnesty does not apply and maintains arrest warrants for Puigdemont, Comín and Puig

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El Nacional

Prosecutors call for the 12 CDR activists of Operation Judas to be amnestied

The prosecutor adopts the Alerta Solidaria line and asks the court to grant an amnesty to those investigated for terrorism

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El Nacional

Puigdemont appears before French justice over Tsunami case

The Catalan president-in-exile voluntarily appears before the French authorities in Paris.

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El Nacional

Spain’s senior prosecutors give divided backing to applying the amnesty to misuse of funds crimes

By 19 votes to 17, Álvaro García Ortiz’s criteria are imposed, and the rebel Supreme Court prosecutors removed from the case.

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Josep Rull, a former political prisoner, is the new President of the Parliament of Catalonia

Junts, ERC, and CUP have agreed to form a parliamentary board with a Catalan pro-independence majority.

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Lluís Llach: “The coup d’état is here; either we accept it, or I don’t know what we are doing”

Interview with Lluís Llach after his election as new President of the Assemblea Nacional Catalana.

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