Assemblea exposes a judicial coup in the application of amnesty and calls for a demonstration

The Catalan National Assembly denounces the Spanish Judiciary’s attack on democracy and calls to take to the streets on July 13, as amnesty law has not been applied to exiled …

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Media Freedom Rapid Response

Terrorism investigation into Catalan journalist raises concerns ahead of elections

Journalists and media freedom organisations express concern over the investigation for terrorism of Catalan journalist Jesús Rodríguez Sellés, now residing in Switzerland.

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Five member states must investigate spyware abuse, says PACE

Citing “mounting evidence” that spyware has been used for illegitimate purposes by several Council of Europe member states, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has urged five …

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The UN rules against Spain for violating the political rights of Carles Puigdemont

The Committee on Human Rights condemns the suspension of Carles Puigdemont as MP and argues it contravenes “the essence of democratic goverance”

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The Catalan National Assembly appears as a witness before the Catalan parliament’s Committee of inquiry into the Catalangate affair

Assemblea’s President  Dolors Feliu denounced that six members of the organization are victims of the Catalangate espionage for their pro-independence activism, and recalled the repeated failure of the dialogue table …

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