Assemblea, Òmnium and Irídia demand that amnesty not be applied to the police officers who committed police violence during the referendum

The organisations represented as public and private prosecutors present an appeal to prevent police brutality against civil society from going unpunished. Barcelona, Friday 21st June 2024 – Assemblea, Òmnium and …

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El Nacional

Spain’s senior prosecutors give divided backing to applying the amnesty to misuse of funds crimes

By 19 votes to 17, Álvaro García Ortiz’s criteria are imposed, and the rebel Supreme Court prosecutors removed from the case.

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“Independentism in action”: Assemblea presents its new slogan

Assemblea introduces a slogan that expresses the essence and founding spirit of the organisation: “Assemblea. Independentism in action”. The Catalan National Assembly introduces a catchphrase that conveys the values and …

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Josep Rull, a former political prisoner, is the new President of the Parliament of Catalonia

Junts, ERC, and CUP have agreed to form a parliamentary board with a Catalan pro-independence majority.

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Lluís Llach: “The coup d’état is here; either we accept it, or I don’t know what we are doing”

Interview with Lluís Llach after his election as new President of the Assemblea Nacional Catalana.

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Now it’s official: the Catalan-Russian conspiracy was nothing but a political lie.

The end of the judicial journey allows us to say that no one has managed to find anything, not the slightest connection, not the slightest evidence, not even the slightest …

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El Nacional

First case: a Catalan independence supporter is jailed despite the passing of the amnesty law

Young pro-independence protester was sentenced to almost 4 years’ jail for “keeping watch” as a man was pushed from behind.

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Emotion and unity for the approval of the amnesty. Spanish far-right anger in parliament.

The Spanish parliament finally approves the Amnesty Law, a historic victory for Catalan independence movement.

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Catalan News

Pro-independence figures deny violence in terrorism court hearing over Tsunami Democràtic case

Amnesty International defends pro-independence protests ‘are not terrorism’.

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Media Freedom Rapid Response

Terrorism investigation into Catalan journalist raises concerns ahead of elections

Journalists and media freedom organisations express concern over the investigation for terrorism of Catalan journalist Jesús Rodríguez Sellés, now residing in Switzerland.

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