Capital | Barcelona |
Area | 32,107 km2 (ranks between Belgium and The Netherlands) |
Population | 7,555,830 (ranks between Denmark and Austria) |
Density | 232.0 / km2 (EU-28: 117) |
Immigrants | 14.5% (2014) (main international communities: Morocco, Romania, Ecuador, Italy, China, Bolivia, Pakistan) |
Population born outside Catalonia | 36% (2013) |
Number of foreign tourists | 15,580,362 (2013) |
Official languages | Catalan and Spanish; Occitan in the Aran Valley |
GPD (billion €) | 234,651 (between Finland and Denmark) (2017) |
GPD per capita (€) | 31,223 (EU-28: 30,000) (2017) |
Economic sectors | services 74.8%, industry 19.6%, construction 4.7%, agriculture 0.9% |
Main industrial sectors | chemistry, biotechnology, food, energy, metal and automotive |
Exports (million €) | 70,828 (25% of all Spanish exports; 65% of exports to the EU markets) |
Imports (million €) | 76,850 |
Index of globalization | 61% (2012) |
Foreign direct investment (FDI) | € 4,064 million (annual average 2013-2017) (The 1st of the FDI Strategy list in ‚Large European regions of the future 2018/19, the Financial Times) |
Unemployment index | 11,39% (Q2 2018) (EU-28 August 2018: 6,8%) |
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion | 23,5% |
Number of Universities | 12 |
Scientific production | 61% (2012) |
Main scientific facilities | ALBA Synchrotron (UAB), Supercomputing Center (UPC), and one of the largest genome sequencing centers (CNAG) |
Households with Internet access | 83% (EU-28: 83%) |
Source: Government of Catalonia (all data are from 2016 unless otherwise indicated)