El Nacional

UN special rapporteur on human rights defenders criticises Spain over Catalonia

The UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Michel Forst, in his world report for the 20th anniversary of the UN declaration on human rights defenders, includes …

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El Nacional

Ten days of hunger strike: insomnia and weight loss of up to 7kg

The Catalan political prisoners on hunger strike are in good physical condition “in general terms”. That was the announcement this Monday by their spokesperson, Pilar Calvo, ten days after Jordi …

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MEP urges Tajani to speak up following hunger strike by Catalan political prisoners

“Crimes amount to allowing people to vote to determine their own future” says Matt Carthy from Sinn Féin

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The National

Row between Spanish and Belgian ministers over Catalonia hunger strikes

Spain was heading for another diplomatic tussle with Belgium last night after the Belgian defence minister tweeted his support for Catalan political prisoners who are on hunger strike.

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Amnesty International will monitor the trial against Catalan pro-independence leaders

In a letter sent to them in prison, Amnesty asks once again for their immediate release and the withdrawal of charges

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El Nacional

MPs from around Europe denounce Spanish state’s repression

Members of the Flanders, UK, Estonian and Danish Parliaments have, together with the EU-Catalonia Dialogue Platform, created the Parliamentary Network of Friendship Groups of Catalonia. The objective for the new group is to “bring together voices” …

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Europeans believe Spain is too authoritarian on Catalonia

A study by Spanish think tank Real Instituto Elcano finds Madrid has not been open to dialogue when dealing with the independence issue

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Daily Mail

STEPHEN GLOVER: How dare Spain of all nations try to lecture Britain about democracy

“Spain refused to allow a referendum in Catalonia. When Catalans went ahead Spain cracked down on them in a pretty brutal way”

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Front Line Defenders

Human rights defender in pre-trial detention for over a year

Since October 2017, Jordi Cuixart has been in pre-trial detention, facing up to 25 years of prison on charges of “rebellion”. The allegations were brought against him in connection to …

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Council of Europe

Commissioner urges Spain to ensure that the Law on Citizens’ Safety upholds the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly

In a letter addressed to the Presidents of the Congress and the Senate of Spain published today, Commissioner Mijatović urges the Parliament to ensure that the review of the Law …

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