Assemblea Nacional Catalana raises the stakes on unilateralism

Calls on the Catalan Government to align itself with its strategy and come up with a plan to put the Republic into effect At an extraordinary plenary on Saturday 6 …

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El Nacional

Spain withdrew billions of euros from Catalan banks after referendum

On the aftermath of the referendum on self-determination in Catalonia, Spain’s government carried out a massive campaign to withdraw money from public companies and banks in Catalonia, all with a …

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BBC News

Catalonia: What would an economic split from Spain mean?

This article analyses what possibilities and consequences would Catalan independence have at an economic and entrepreneurial level, for Catalonia and for the world

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EU-Catalonia Dialogue Platform

41 MEPs wear yellow T-shirts in the Strasbourg plenary to demand release of Catalan political presoners

Solidarity with Catalan political prisoners arrives at the European Parliament, where 41 MEPs have called for their release wearing yellow t-shirts

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Catalans Rally a Year after the Referendum for Self-Determination on 1 October to Insist on Making it Effective

A year ago today, over two million people voted in the Catalan referendum for self-determination, and 90% of them voted in favour of independence. Today Catalans have gone out onto …

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A year on, Catalonia could flare up at any time

One year after the independence referendum and after the imprisonment of its political and social leaders, the Catalan independence movement carries on

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NY Times

A year after Catalonia secession vote, new unrest and still no resolution

The independence movement staged a huge demonstration in the streets of Barcelona, on October 1, one year after the referendum of self-determination

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Televisión Española

Interview with Elisenda Paluzie at Spanish TVE show ‘Los Desayunos de TVE’

The president of the ANC, Elisenda Paluzie, reviews the situation in Catalonia and underlines the human rights violations in Spain. (in Spanish)

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Spanish state’s human rights violations highlighted in heart of Europe

Yesterday morning, a mock prison that is the key element of an action known as “A people imprisoned” was set up in Schuman Square in Brussels. Within the framework of …

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Independentists prepare to mark the first anniversary of the referendum

On Monday 1 October, it will be one year since the referendum on self-determination. Civil society is set to commemorate this politically and socially momentous date, not only on Monday, …

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