Kickstarted by the foreign branches of the Catalan National Assembly, the #CatalanWeek will start on Aug 29th and will last till Sept 13th, and will include presential as well as digital events
The foreign branches of the Catalan National Assembly will organize, as is tradition, several events in preparation for the Catalan National Day, of the 11th of September, known as #CatalanWeek.
Organized for the first time in 2016, the #CatalanWeek focuses on fostering Catalonia’s pro-independence cause abroad, and in the current moment the country is facing, also denounce the Spain’s political repression against the people of Catalonia.
In this sense, and despite the current health and political environment, Assemblea’s foreign branches in countries like Mexico, Belgium, England, Luxembourg, the United States, Portugal and Germany among others will organize over 14 events spread over two weeks, from August 29th till September the 13th.
The foreign branch in Switzerland will kickstart the events, with the commemoration of the Catalan National Day in Zürich on August 29th. On the following day, a virtual debate will be held by ANC Madrid focusing on the 10-month imprisonment of Spanish activist Daniel Gallardo for protesting the Spanish Supreme Court sentences against Catalan civil and political leaders in October of 2019.
On Thursday the 3rd, Assemblea President Elisenda Paluzie will take part in a conference in Bilbao, organized by the Basque branch, which will deal with the effects of the Spanish repression on the Catalan pro-independence movement and its current challenges. On Saturday the 5th, the branch in Brussels will organize several public events, including an interview to exiled rapper Josep Valtonyc; and Assemblea Madrid will hold a debate with Albert Pont, president of the Catalan Business Association, the Cercle Català de Negocis, and David Fernàndez, vicepresident of Assemblea.
On Sunday the 6th, the Mexico branch will hold a digital roundtable focusing on solidarity between pro-independence movements in Catalonia and the Latin-American country. On the same day, the Brussels branch will hold the opening of the photo exhibition “Political Prisoners in Contemporary Spain”, by Santiago Sierra, which will last for a month in the Belgian capital. The following day, Assemblea Luxembourg will organize a live conversation with the Catalan minister of Culture in exile, Lluís Puig, and on the 9th of September, Assemblea England will hold a live debate with incumbent members of the Catalan pro-independence parties. The day before the Catalan National Day, a virtual conference will take place in Lisbon, with the presence of the Portuguese historian and journalist Fernando Rosas, and a demonstration will be organized in the Place de la République of Paris.
The 11th of September, coinciding with the celebration of the Catalan National Day, a demonstration will be organized in Brussels, with the participation of relevant political figures from the movement. The day after, there will be a virtual meeting in Dallas (USA), in the occasion of the Catalan national Day. The #CatalanWeek will conclude on September 13th, with a virtual debate which will discuss the work of the foreign branches, as well as the current events and future challenges for the Catalan pro-independence movement.
The foreign assemblies work at a grassroots level with local organizations, NGOs and political representatives to inform about the political situation in Catalonia. Assemblea’s foreign branches encourage anyone interested in contributing and working towards the Catalan pro-independence cause from abroad to get in touch with them, to learn more or take part in these or other events.
For more information on these events, follow the hashtag #CatalanWeek, contact us or follow this link