The Catalan National Assembly strengthens its cooperation and solidarity with the Uyghur people

Last week, the president of the Catalan National Assembly, Dolors Feliu, welcomed a delegation of the Uyghur World Congress at Assemblea’s headquarters in Barcelona

The Catalan National Assembly’s president Dolors Feliu and members of the general board had a meeting with the president of the World Uyghur Congress, Dolkun Isa, and other representatives of the organisation at Assemblea’s headquarters in Barcelona last week, to learn about each other’s struggles and experience and discuss future ways of collaboration.

Both the Catalan National Assembly and the World Uyghur Congress are members of UNPO, the Unrepresented Peoples and Nations Organisation, which “allows minorities to make their voices heard and contributes to creating links of solidarity between nations”, as Dolors Feliu highlighted.

In this sense, former Assemblea president Elisenda Paluzie, who has held UNPO’s vice-presidency since last year, gave a presentation on Catalonia’s struggle for independence and the latest events, and answered all the Uyghur delegation’s questions.