On July 30 the hearings begin in order to decide whether Minister Clara Ponsatí is extradited or not. It will be a moment of great importance since, until now, the other members of the exiled Legitimate Government have already resolved, totally or partially, their procedures. Thus, Belgium has already decided not to execute the order in the cases of Serret, Comín, and Puig, and in Germany, the extradition for rebellion and sedition has now been denied. So the Scotland case will be the last to be heard.
Faced with this fact, ANC Scotland has organized two central events. Firstly, on July 29 in the evening there will be a large mosaic of candles, which together will form a yellow bow and a Saltire, the Scottish flag. In total, some 3,000 candles will be lit. The event, undertaken by ANC Scotland volunteers, will take place in front of Saint Giles Cathedral, in the centre of Edinburgh, and will be open to anyone who wishes to take part.
Secondly, on July 30, a rally to support Dr. Ponsatí will be convened from 9.30 a.m., outside the Edinburgh Sheriff Court, the court where the Minister’s case will be heard. The rally will be organized jointly with the Catalan Defence Committee Edinburgh.
During the gathering, there will be a range of activities, such as speeches by several people of major importance in the political and social worlds, both in Scotland and in Catalonia, such as Chris Bambery, secretary of the APPG group on Catalonia in the UK Parliament; and Elisenda Paluzie, Chair of the Catalan National Assembly. There will also be a place for music. Artists like Gerry Mulvenna, author of several songs about Catalonia and the process that it is living through, will perform, as will other musicians as well.
The aims of these events are to support and show solidarity with Clara Ponsatí, and also to take advantage of this opportunity to weave synergies between Catalonia and Scotland, to share experience, to exchange ideas with local people, to inform about everything that has been done and is being done in Scotland, and to explain what the ANC has done.
Let’s Fill Edinburgh
In parallel with all these preparations, a campaign has been launched on social networks to facilitate the arrival of Catalans in Scotland, from throughout the world, to the rally outside the courts. To this end the “Omplim Edinburgh – Let’s Fill Edinburgh” Facebook page has been enabled, in which Scottish citizens offer free accommodation to Catalans wanting to make it there. A Telegram channel, @OmplimEdinburgh, has also been set up, for news updates about all issues related to these events.