On the morning of February 24th, Russian Federation troops launched a military offensive by land, sea and air against the territory of Ukraine. At the humanitarian level, these actions have already resulted in the deaths of at least 350 civilians, thousands wounded and millions of refugees and internally displaced persons.
The Catalan National Assembly strongly condemns the use of military aggression as an instrument to address territorial disputes, as opposed to international law and human rights. In this sense, we express the need to approach the resolution of the conflict through diplomatic channels, from the respect of international law and the right to self-determination of peoples.
In the same vein, we consider it necessary to create a truly inclusive European security system within the framework of organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, taking into account the interests, concerns and perception of threat of all the countries of the continent as a possible guarantee of peace and stability in Europe in the mid and long term and of protection for all its peoples.
We wish to convey all our solidarity and support for the people of Ukraine in these difficult and painful times, placing ourselves at the disposal of the organizations of the Ukrainian diaspora in Catalonia for their needs, whatever they may be, including the humanitarian effort. We also stand in solidarity with the people of Russia, who have already begun to suffer the economic and political consequences of this situation, and of a war that in no way responds to the interests and needs of the Russian people.
Lastly, we call on the citizenry to join the demonstrations organized by the Ukrainian community every day in Plaça de Catalunya in Barcelona, at 6 pm, and especially this Wednesday; as well as the call of Catalan municipalities this Tuesday at 7pm in front of town halls across the country.