The Catalan language, an inconvenient truth
Catalan is nowadays a dynamic language, regardless of decades of severe linguistic repression. Catalan has 10 million speakers, it is the 14th language in the EU, the 7th most studied language in the EU, and it is taught in 161 universities throughout the world. However, this strong vitality often clashes with legislation and institutions that either ignore or discriminate when it comes to Catalan linguistic rights.
To discuss this reality, we are glad to invite you to the conference “The Catalan language, an inconvenient truth”, given by Òscar Escuder, the president of Plataforma per la Llengua (PxL). PxL is the NGO aimed at promoting and protecting Catalan linguistic rights. With its 19,000 associates, PxL is a grassroots authority and the most powerful NGO on linguistic rights worldwide.
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