2024, Let’s take to the streets again: Independence!
Thousands take to the streets of five Catalan cities to claim that independence is the only way to ensure a better future for Catalonia.
This year’s Diada, the Catalan National Day, has proven the transversal and plural nature of Catalonia’s pro-independence movement, with five decentralised demonstrations organized jointly by Assemblea, Òmnium Cultural, the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI), the Council of the Republic, trade union Intersindical and minority rights organization CIEMEN.
The Catalan people have proved once more that they want to break free from the Spanish state, and that they won’t let the repression, persecution and criminalisation quash the will of the democratic, legitimate and peaceful pro-independence civil society movement. Under the slogan ‘Let’s take to the streets again: Independence’, Catalan civil society has joined forces to stand up for self-determination as the only way to ensure a politically and socially fairer future for Catalonia. We have also denounced that by continuing to be a part of Spain, there will never be justice, recognition of the Catalan nation nor a dignified future for the Catalan people.
At the same time and across Catalonia, five different demonstrations were held at different locations, each highlighting an importance grievance arising from Catalonia’s dependency of Spain. Barcelona focused on housing, Girona on the healthcare system, Tarragona on infrastructure, Lleida on farming and Tortosa on the management of water resources.
In Barcelona, the demonstration ended in front of the Arc de Triomf, where the political event took place. The seven organisations responsible for the planning of the event have read a joint manifesto highlighting that mobilisation is and will be a “motor to achieve Catalonia’s national liberation”.
“Catalan people have always proven our will not to give up in the face of challenges and injustice. September 11 is a tribute to those who, in 1714 defended the Catalan constitutions and freedoms. Since then, Catalonia has mobilised whenever necessary”, they remarked.
Assemblea’s president Lluís Llach read the final part of the manifesto, remarking that, “today, here, several organisations have united, showing that it is possible to reach agreements on the things that really matter. We have proved that the pro-independence movement is strong, transversal, smart, and no one is giving up. We’re working together for a free Catalonia”.
International presence in the Barcelona demonstration
The National Day rally had a strong international presence. Catalans marched together with over a hundred foreign representatives from several countries and stateless nations, including Riffians, Uighurs, Kabylians, Kurds, Kabyle, Biafrans, New Caledonians, Szeklers, Quebecois, South Moluccans and others. European representatives from Flanders, the Basque Country, Galicia, Castile, Corsica, Sardinia, Portugal, Ukraine, Brittany and Silesia also joined in solidarity with Catalonia’s struggle.
The Catalan National Assembly has organised peaceful and democratic rallies and protests to demand Catalonia’s independence every September 11th since 2012.
Catalan events all over the world
With the occasion of the Catalan National Day, several foreign assemblies from Assemblea have mobilised the Catalan diaspora with various political, cultural and social events taking place in Ireland, England, USA, the Netherlands and France.
The Assemblea Foreign Assemblies work at a grassroots level with local organisations, NGOs, and political representatives to inform about the political situation in Catalonia. They encourage anyone interested in contributing and working alongside the Catalan pro-independence cause abroad to get in touch with them and learn more or even take part in their work.