Espagne : violations des droits de l'homme et poursuites politiques

Title: Mandates of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues; the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; and the Special Rapporteur on the right to rights to on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association (Spanish) (English)
Author: Fernand de Varennes, Irene Khan and Clément Voule
January 2023

Title: Freedom of political speech: an imperative for democracy (English)
Author: Council of Europe
October 2022

Title: Tools of Repression: Spain and Global Trends in Silencing Self-Determination Movements. (English)
Author: Elysia Rezki, James Mackle, Shiela-Ann Riek, Jaylyn Galloway and Ralph Bunche
September 2022

Title: Spain violated former Catalan Parliament leaders’ political rights, UN Human Rights Committee finds (English)

Author: UN Human Rights Committee
August 2022

Title: Binding the Guardian. On the European Commission’s failure to safeguard the rule of law. (English)
Author: Albena Azmanova, Bethany Howard
8 November 2021

Title: Report: Should politicians be prosecuted for statements made in the exercise of their mandate? (English)
Author: Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
3 June 2021

Title: International manifesto in support of Catalonia’s right to freedom as a people (English, Spanish)
Author: Catalan National Assembly
14 May 2021

Title: Interventions of Assemblea Nacional Catalana at the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting II 2021 on Democratic Law-Making (English) (Open and Inclusive Law-Making, Recent Challenges and Opportunities of Law-Making, Public Participation and the Digital Space )
Author: Catalan National Assembly
26-27 April 2021

Title: « CDL-AD(2021)004-e. Spain – Opinion on the Citizens’ Security Law, adopted by the Venice Commission at its 126th plenary session (online, 19-20 march 2021) » (English)
Author: Venice Commission
22 March 2021

Title: « Letter to the Minister of Justice of Spain, Juan Carlos CAMPO » (English)
Author: Council of Europe Commissioner of Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic
22 March 2021

Title: « Dossier on the waiver of the immunity of Catalan MEPS » (English, French, German, Spanish)
Author: Catalan National Assembly
23 February 2021

Title: « Hate Speech Against the Catalan Minority » (English)
Author: Aix Global Justice Law Clinic & UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization)
19 November 2020

Title: « Executive Summary on the report « Hate Speech Against the Catalan Minority » (English)
Author: Aix Global Justice Law Clinic & UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization)
19 November 2020

Title: Letter to the president of the European Commission, Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, requesting the amendment of the chapter on Spain of the Rule of Law Report 2020 (English)
Author: Assemblea Nacional Catalana
15 October 2020

Title: 2020 Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, reference to the Catalan political prisoners included (English, Spanish)
Author: United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
16 September 2020

Title: Open statement for the freedom of Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sánchez and the defence of the exercise of fundamental rights (English)
Author: European Parliament
21 July 2020

Title: Interventions of Assemblea Nacional Catalana at the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting II on Freedom of Expression (English) (Freedom of Expression, Access to Information, Freedom of the Media)
Author: Catalan National Assembly
22-23 June 2020

Title: Human rights violations in the autonomous community of Catalonia in the Kingdom of Spain (English)
Author: Society for the Threatened Peoples
04 June 2020

Title: Spain: Freedom of assembly and expression, and the principle of legality, in light of the Supreme Court ruling in Special Case 3/20907/2017 (Spanish)
Author: Amnesty International
13 May 2020

Title: Report of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues on his visit to Spain (English)
Author: Human Rights Council – Special Rapporteur on Minority Rights
9 March 2020

Title: Interventions of Assemblea Nacional Catalana at the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council, on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism & the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity (English) (Counter Terrorism, Safety Journalism)
Author: Catalan National Assembly
5 March 2020

Title: Spain: The Digital Royal Decree may give powers to the Spanish Government to censor and takedown online content: (English)
Author: Amnesty International, Article 19
11 February 2020

Title: Protecting the right to political representation in Catalonia (English)
Author: Parliamentary Assembly oft the Council of Europe
31 January 2020

Title: Interventions of Assemblea at the United Nations 12th Forum on Minority Issues (English) (Session I)
: Assemblea Nacional Catalana
28-29 November 2019

Title: Interventions of Assemblea at the OSCE SHDM on Peaceful Assembly (English) (Session I/Session II/Session III)
: Assemblea Nacional Catalana
21-22 November 2019

Title: Spain: Analysis of the Supreme Court’s rulings in the case of Catalan leaders (English/Spanish)
Author: Amnesty International
20 November 2019

Title: Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-502/19 – Junqueras Vias (English) – MEP Immunity
Author: European Court of Justice
12 November 2019

Title: Should politicians be prosecuted for statements made in the exercise of their mandate? (English)
Author: Council of Europe
1 October 2019

Title: Written intervention for the Working Session 11 of the OSCE HDIM in Warsaw (English)
Author Assemblea Nacional Catalana
: 24 Sept 2019

Title: Joint submission to the UN OHCHR on the implementation of civil and political rights in Spain (English)
Author Assemblea Nacional Catalana & Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)
: 18 July 2019

Title: Opinion 12/2019 concerning Joaquim Forn i Chiariello, Josep Rull i Andreu, Raul Romeva i Rueda and Dolors Bassa i Coll (English, Spanish)
Author: United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
4 July 2019

Title: Written declaration No. 687 – Safeguard the democratic rights of Catalan parliamentarians (English)
Author: Parliamentary Assembly – Council of Europe
28 June 2019

Title: Opinion 6/2019 concerning Jordi Cuixart i Navarro, Jordi Sànchez i Picanyol and Oriol Junqueras i Vies (English, Spanish)
Author: United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
27 May 2019

Title: The definition of political prisoner (PDF)
Author: Council of Europe
October 2012

Title: The political trial of the Catalan independence leaders (2)
Author: Gonzalo Boye
February 2019

Gonzalo Boye, who is Carles Puigdemont’s lawyer: « This is not a criminal accusation, but a political accusation packaged in legal format. »
Translations in French and Spanish.

Title: Dossier: The political trial of the Catalan independence leaders (1)
Author: Assemblea Nacional Catalana
February 2019

Who are the accused, what are the accusations and who are the accusers? (11 pages)
Translations in French, Spanish and Italian.

Title: The Spanish Judiciary System
Author: Olga Amargant
February 2019

Description of the structure and organisation of Spanish Justice (14 pages)

Title: España Catalunya – Más de diez años de conflicto político, más de un año de violaciones de derechos humanos y de represión
Author: Jordi Palou-Loverdos et al.
February 2019

Abstract in English.

Title: Letter to the United Nations and to the Council of Europe
Author: Elisenda Paluzie, President of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC)
December 2018

Title: We hereby reject the accusation made by the Spanish Prosecutor’s Office’s against members of the Electoral Council of Catalonia (the Sindicatura Electoral de Catalunya)
Author: ‘Col·lectiu Praga’ – University Lawyers For the Right to Decide 
October 2018

Title: The violation of fundamental rights and freedoms arising from the criminal justice reaction following Oct. 1st, and application of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution
Author: Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya (Catalan Ombudsman)
Date: May 2018

Title: 1-O en Cataluña: Obstáculos para la investigación del uso excesivo de la fuerza (Spanish)
Author: Amnesty International
Date: 9 May 2018

TitleTweet… if you dare
Author: Amnesty International
Date: March 2018

How counter-terrorism laws restrict freedom of expression in Spain

TitleJudicial controls in the context of the 1 October referendum
AuthorJean-Paul Costa, Françoise Tulkens, Wolfgang Kaleck, Jessica Simor QC
Date: December 2017

Catalonian human rights review

Title: Summary report of actions taken by the Catalan Ombudsman regarding the day of October 1, 2017
Author: Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya (Catalan Ombudsman)
Date: November 2017

Title: Violation of civil and political rights. Catalonia. September & October 2017
Author: Jordi Palou-Loverdos
Date: November 2017

Title: Human Rights regression in Spain: elected officials’ freedom of expression and the separation of powers.
Author: Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya (Catalan Ombudsman)
Date: April 2017